Monthly Archives: January 2014

Beat Synchronization in Unity


Due to some valuable advice (courtesy of Tazman-audio), I’ve made a few small changes that ensure that synchronization stays independent of framerate. My original strategy for handling this issue was to grab the current sample of the audio source’s playback and compare that to the next expected beat’s sample value (discussed in more detail below). Although this was working fine, Unity’s documentation makes little mention as to the accuracy of this value, aside from it being more preferrable than using Time.time.  Furthermore, the initial synch with the start of audio playback and the BeatCheck function would suffer from some, albeit very small, discrepancy.

Here is the change to the Start method in the “BeatSynchronizer” script that enforces synching with the start of the audio:

public float bpm = 120f; // Tempo in beats per minute of the audio clip.
public float startDelay = 1f; // Number of seconds to delay the start of audio playback.
public delegate void AudioStartAction(double syncTime);
public static event AudioStartAction OnAudioStart;

void Start ()
    double initTime = AudioSettings.dspTime;
    audio.PlayScheduled(initTime + startDelay);
    if (OnAudioStart != null) {
        OnAudioStart(initTime + startDelay);

The PlayScheduled method starts the audio clip’s playback at the absolute time (on the audio system’s dsp timeline) given in the function argument. The correct start time is then this initial value plus the given delay. This same value is then broadcast to all the beat counters that have subscribed to the AudioStartAction event, which ensures their alignment with the audio.

This necessitated a small change to the BeatCheck method as well, as can be seen below.  The current sample is now calculated using the audio system’s dsp time instead of the clip’s sample position, which also aleviated the need for wrapping the current sample position when the audio clip loops.

IEnumerator BeatCheck ()
    while (audioSource.isPlaying) {
        currentSample = (float)AudioSettings.dspTime * audioSource.clip.frequency;

        if (currentSample >= (nextBeatSample + sampleOffset)) {
            foreach (GameObject obj in observers) {
            nextBeatSample += samplePeriod;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(loopTime / 1000f);

Lastly, I decided to add a nice feature to the beat synchronizer that allows you to scale up the the beat values by an integer constant. This is very useful for cases where you might want to synch to beats that transcend one measure. For example, you could synchronize to the downbeat of the second measure of a four-measure group by selecting the following values in the inspector:

Scaling up the beat values by a factor of 4 treats each beat as a measure instead of a single beat (assuming 4/4 time).

Scaling up the beat values by a factor of 4 treats each beat as a measure instead of a single beat (assuming 4/4 time).

This same feature exists for the pattern counter as well, allowing great deal of flexibility and control over what you can synchronize to.  There is a new example scene in the project demonstrating this.

Github project here.

I did, however, come across a possible bug in the PlayScheduled function: a short burst of noise can be heard occasionally when running a scene. I’ve encountered this both in the Unity editor (version 4.3.3) and in the build product. This does not happen when starting the audio using Play or checking “Play On Awake”.

Original Post

Lately I’ve been experimenting and brainstorming different ways in which audio can be tied in with gameplay, or even drive gameplay to some extent. This is quite challenging because audio/music is so abstract, but rhythm is one element that has been successfully incorporated into gameplay for some time.  To experiment with this in Unity, I wrote a set of scripts that handle beat synchronization to an audio clip.  The github project can be found here.

The way I set this up to work is by comparing the current sample of the audio data to the sample of the next expected beat to occur.  Another approach would be to compare the time values, but this is less accurate and less flexible.  Sample accuracy ensures that the game logic follows the actual audio data, and avoids the issues of framerate drops that can affect the time values.

The following script handles the synchronization of all the beat counters to the start of audio playback:

public float bpm = 120f; // Tempo in beats per minute of the audio clip.
public float startDelay = 1f; // Number of seconds to delay the start of audio playback.
public delegate void AudioStartAction(double syncTime);
public static event AudioStartAction OnAudioStart;

void Start ()

IEnumerator StartAudio ()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(startDelay);


    if (OnAudioStart != null) {

To accomplish this, each beat counter instance adds itself to the event OnAudioStart, seen here in the “BeatCounter” script:

void OnEnable ()
    BeatSynchronizer.OnAudioStart += () => { StartCoroutine(BeatCheck()); };

When OnAudioStart is called above, all beat counters that have subscribed to this event are invoked, and in this case, starts the coroutine BeatCheck that contains most of the logic and processing of determining when beats occur. (The () => {} statement is C#’s lambda syntax).

The BeatCheck coroutine runs at a specific frequency given by loopTime, instead of running each frame in the game loop. For example, if a high degree of accuracy isn’t required, this can save on the CPU load by setting the coroutine to run every 40 or 50 milliseconds instead of the 10 – 15 milliseconds that it may take for each frame to execute in the game loop.  However, since the coroutine yields to WaitForSeconds (see below), setting the loop time to 0 will effectively cause the coroutine to run as frequently as the game loop since execution of the coroutine in this case happens right after Unity’s Update method.

IEnumerator BeatCheck ()
    while (audioSource.isPlaying) {
        currentSample = audioSource.timeSamples;

        // Reset next beat sample when audio clip wraps.
        if (currentSample < previousSample) {
            nextBeatSample = 0f;

        if (currentSample >= (nextBeatSample + sampleOffset)) {
            foreach (GameObject obj in observers) {
            nextBeatSample += samplePeriod;
        previousSample = currentSample;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(loopTime / 1000f);

Furthermore, the fields that count the sample positions and next sample positions are declared as floats, which may seem wrong at first since there is no possibility of fractional samples.  However, the sample period (the number of samples between each beat in the audio) is calculated from the BPM of the audio and the note value of the beat to check, so it is likely to result in a floating point value. In other words:

samplePeriod = (60 / (bpm * beatValue)) * sampleRate

where beatValue is a constant that defines the ratio of the beat to a quarter note.  For instance, for an eighth beat, beatValue = 2 since there are two eighths in a quarter.  For a dotted quarter beat, beatValue = 1 / 1.5; the ratio of one quarter to a dotted quarter.

If samplePeriod is truncated to an int, drift would occur due to loss of precision when comparing the sample values, especially for longer clips of music.

When it is determined that a beat has occurred in the audio, the script notifies its observers along with the type of beat that triggered the event (the beat type is a user-defined value that allows different action to be taken depending on the beat type).  The observers (any Unity object) are easily added through the scripts inspector panel:

The beat counter's inspector panel.

The beat counter’s inspector panel.

Each object observing a beat counter also contains a beat observer script that serves two functions: it allows control over the tolerance/sensitivity of the beat event, and sets the corresponding bit in a bit mask for what beat just occurred that the user can poll for in the object’s script and take appropriate action.

public void BeatNotify (BeatType beatType)
    beatMask |= beatType;

IEnumerator WaitOnBeat (BeatType beatType)
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(beatWindow / 1000f);
    beatMask ^= beatType;

To illustrate how a game object might respond to and take action when a beat occurs, the following script activates an animation trigger on the down-beat and rotates the object during an up-beat by 45 degrees:

void Update ()
    if ((beatObserver.beatMask & BeatType.DownBeat) == BeatType.DownBeat) {
    if ((beatObserver.beatMask & BeatType.UpBeat) == BeatType.UpBeat) {
        transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, 45f);

Finally, here is a short video demonstrating the example scene set up in the project:

Beat Synchronization in Unity Demo from Christian on Vimeo.