
Welcome to my blog! I am a Senior iOS Developer at Atimi, working on the Audible iOS app. On the side, I enjoy low-level programming particularly concerning audio, graphics, and most anything relating to game engines.

11 thoughts on “About

  1. Andrew

    Thanks for posting all this great info! I’m slogging through a couple DSP books at the moment with grand ambitions of doing some simple AU programming. These articles are just what I was looking for to help understand this stuff better.

  2. Bryce

    Just stumbled across your blog tonight, as someone thats studying DSP at the moment and being a musician its great to see your passions cross just as mine do, great reading, keep it up!

  3. GOD

    Hi, truly appreciate the Unity music script. Would certainly appreciate an onset beat detection script, if possible (look for a fast change in frequency). Thanks in advance for emailing any info about such a script!

  4. Paul Brennan

    Hi Christian. I had a chat with Uppercut around the initial development of the Wave app and then I got distracted by other things. Finally, I came back to trying the version with the audio feedback added and I really like it! There is an element that is very intuitive that is missing from the other Muse software I’ve tried. Very elegant interface and fascinating to play around with.

    1. Chris Post author

      Unfortunately not. I don’t have the original binaries anymore, and the Xcode/Visual Studio projects are a mess (VST 2.x is deprecated, VSTGUI has very old dependencies, etc.) and would take far too much time to clean up to be able to build them from scratch.


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