Improving the interface to NSUserDefaults using the Objective-C Runtime

The NSUserDefaults class is commonly used in iOS/macOS apps to store user settings or configuration options, and can also be a convenient way of caching a small number of values or objects while an app is active. It’s interface, while not terrible, is a little clunky and relies on strings to identify the value you wish to store in the defaults database. Typical usage looks like this:

NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
BOOL hasAppRun = [defaults boolForKey:@"HasAppRun"];
if (!hasHappRun) {
    // App's first launch
    [defaults setBool:YES forKey:@"HasAppRun"];

Other than being a little wordy, the main issue here is dealing with the strings used to identify the defaults property you are interested in. Either your app’s codebase will be littered with magic string constants, or you have an ever evolving global strings table (or file, or something else to manage your app’s global string constants). What we would like is something a bit cleaner, like this:

MyUserDefaults *defaults = [MyUserDefaults sharedDefaults];
if (!defaults.hasAppRun) {
    // App's first launch
    defaults.hasAppRun = YES;

In its simplest case, MyUserDefaults would just be a wrapper around NSUserDefaults, but as we see below, this only adds to the amount of boilerplate we have to manage for each new default property that is added.

@implementation MyUserDefaults

- (void)setHasAppRun:(BOOL)hasAppRun {
    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:hasAppRun forKey:@"HasAppRun"];

- (BOOL)hasAppRun {
    return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"HasAppRun"];


What we can do instead is take advantage of the dynamic nature of Objective-C to automatically handle any properties that are added (or removed) from MyUserDefaults. Once this has been set up in a base class (we’ll call it FSUserDefaults), MyUserDefaults only needs to inherit from this class and then declare its properties like this:

@interface MyUserDefaults : FSUserDefaults
@property (nonatomic) BOOL hasAppRun;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *userName;
// Other properties...

@implementation MyUserDefaults
@dynamic hasAppRun;
@dynamic userName;

Just add the property to the interface and declare it as @dynamic in the implementation. That’s it! So how is this going to work?

First of all, methods in Objective-C are really just C functions with two hidden parameters: self and _cmd, where self is the object on which the method was invoked, and _cmd is the selector. A selector in Objective-C is just a way to identify a method, but we can get some very useful information about a property just from its selector. Before we get to that, however, we need to have a look at what @dynamic is.

Declaring a property as @dynamic tells the Objective-C compiler that its implementation methods (the setter & getter) will be resolved at runtime. Normally the compiler generates these for you, as well as synthesizing the instance variable that backs the property. e.g.

@implementation MyUserDefaults

// Unless you override either the setter or getter, these are normally auto-generated by the compiler.
- (void)setUserName:(NSString *)userName {
    _userName = userName;

- (NSString *)userName {
    return _userName;


However, with the @dynamic directive, no implementation methods for the property exist at first, which would typically cause an exception to be raised if the property is accessed in any way. Before this happens though, the Objective-C runtime gives you an opportunity to either handle the missing implementation or forward the message invocation to another object. To handle it on the receiving object, we overwrite +(BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel inherited from NSObject, and as stated above, we can get all the information we need from the given selector argument of this method. Furthermore, to dynamically add a method implementation to a class, we use the function class_addMethod(Class, SEL, IMP, const char*). We already have the first two arguments to the function (the class is just our FSUserDefaults base class). IMP is a function pointer to the method implementation we are providing, and the character string is the type encoding of the method (its return type and arguments). This is the information we need going forward.

Let’s use the userName property as an example. When we access this property by trying to set a value on it for the first time, +resolveInstanceMethod: will be called and the selector argument will be -setUserName:. We can get the name of the selector as a string from the Objective-C runtime function sel_getName(SEL), which takes a selector as its argument. In this case, it will be “setUserName:”, and we can get the property name by stripping off “set” from the beginning and making the ‘U’ lowercase (if instead the selector is a getter, its string is already equal to the property name). The property name string can then be used to retrieve the actual property from the class using the function class_getProperty(Class, const char*).

Here is what we have so far:

+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel {
    const char *selectorName = sel_getName(sel);
    const char *propertyName = selectorName;
    BOOL isSetter = NO;
    if ((strlen(selectorName) > 3) && (strncmp("set", selectorName, 3) == 0)) {
        propertyName = ...; // Strip off "set" and make first character lowercase.
        isSetter = YES;
    objc_property_t property = class_getProperty(self, propertyName);
    if (isSetter) {
        free((void *)propertyName);


Given the property, we can now get its attributes as a string by calling property_getAttributes(objc_property_t). This formatted string contains all the information relating to the property, including its type, the class name (if type is an object type), and attributes such as readonly, copy, etc. The two we are interested in are the type and in one special case, the class name.

The formatted attribute string always begins with a ‘T’, followed immediately by a character code that indicates its type corresponding to what @encode returns when given a type. e.g. ‘i’ is int, ‘f’ is float, ‘I’ is unsigned int, etc. With this information we can determine which method implementation (IMP) is needed for the given selector as well as the type encoding for the class_addMethod function.

Recall that Objective-C methods are just C functions with two parameters (id for the object the method is called on , and the selector) followed by the arguments. IMP is just a function pointer to this C function (its declaration is id(*IMP)(id, SEL, ...)). So based on the type that we retrieved from the property’s attribute string, we assign our method implementation to the proper C function, which is simply included and defined in the file. As our example uses the userName property that has a type of NSString, but which ultimately is a type id for a generic object, we define this C function as follows:

static void idSetter(id self, SEL _cmd, id value) {
    const char *propertyName = ...; // Get property name from sel_getName(_cmd), stripping away "set" and making first character lowercase.
    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:value forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:propertyName]];
    free((void *)propertyName);

A function similar to that above is required for each type we need to handle, but fortunately NSUserDefaults has only 6 types we need to deal with: id (objects), NSURL (special case), BOOL, NSInteger, float, and double. NSUserDefaults handles NSURL objects differently than a normal id type, so this is where we need the class name from the properties attributes string. Immediately following the type encoding character (which is ‘@’ in the case of an object) is the class name. We simply check to see if this is equal to “NSURL”, and if it is, select the corresponding IMP function for NSURL instead of the generic id variant.

Above I gave the setter version of the IMP function; the getter is very much the same except it returns a value and does not pass a value as argument:

static id idGetter(id self, SEL _cmd) {
    const char *propertyName = ...; // Get property name from sel_getName(_cmd).
    id value = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:propertyName]];
    free((void *)propertyName);
    return value;

In the final version of the FSUserDefaults class, I have used a lot of C macro magic to avoid having to duplicate the above setter and getter functions for each supported type, but it is given here in its simpler form for readability purposes. (The Github link to the project can be found below).

Finally, we need the type encoding string to pass to class_addMethod that indicates what the signature of the IMP function we are adding is. Since the first two arguments are always id and SEL, this string has the format “r@:a” where ‘r’ is the return type and ‘a’ is the argument type (the second and third character must always be ‘@’ and ‘:’). The type encoding string that corresponds to our example is then “v@:@”, where v indicates a void return type.

We can now complete the implementation of +resolveInstanceMethod: by calling class_addMethod and returning YES to tell the runtime system we have dynamically added the method for this selector.

+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel {
    const char *selectorName = sel_getName(sel);
    const char *propertyName = selectorName;
    BOOL isSetter = NO;
    if ((strlen(selectorName) > 3) && (strncmp("set", selectorName, 3) == 0)) {
        propertyName = ...; // Strip off "set" and make first character lowercase.
        isSetter = YES;
    objc_property_t property = class_getProperty(self, propertyName);
    if (isSetter) {
        free((void *)propertyName);

    if (property != NULL) {
        const char *propertyAttrs = property_getAttributes(property);
        char propertyType = propertyAttrs[1];
        const char *methodTypeString;
        int index;
        if (isSetter) {
            methodTypeString = "v@:_";
            index = 3;
        } else {
            methodTypeString = "_@:";
            index = 0;
        char *typeEncodingString = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(methodTypeString) + 1));
        strlcpy(typeEncodingString, methodTypeString, strlen(methodTypeString) + 1);
        typeEncodingString[index] = propertyType;
        IMP methodImpl = ...; // Select and set C function corresponding to propertyType
        class_addMethod(self, sel, methodImpl, typeEncodingString);
        return YES;
    return [super resolveInstanceMethod:sel];

This class can then be dropped into any new iOS or macOS app for a much cleaner way of using NSUserDefaults. I created this class a couple of years ago, and have used it in almost every app since.

There are many other, powerful and effective ways to use the Objective-C runtime. Reflection in general is great for metaprogramming, building tools, debugging, and generic serialization.

This project is available on Github here.

1 thought on “Improving the interface to NSUserDefaults using the Objective-C Runtime

  1. Pingback: Improving UserDefaults in Swift With Key-Value Observing | flyingSand

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